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Home» Circulars» Brexit Reach: Webinar For Indian Companies Invitation

Brexit & REACH: Webinar for Indian companies - invitation

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Brexit countdown: EU REACH and UK REACH implications


Mon, 21 January 2019.
Select the time that works best for you:
10AM or 4:30PM (EET)




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The UK Parliament’s vote on the Brexit deal has been postponed to the week starting on the 14 of January. With only a bit more than two months to the date when the UK is due to leave the EU, how can the different parties in EU27 and the UK prepare for a no-deal scenario to safeguard their access to the EU/EEA and UK markets after the 29 March 2019?

Join our webinar

We welcome all interested parties to join our webinar on the 21st of January 2019.During our presentation, we will clarify the uncertainties around the impact of the UK withdrawal on your REACH compliance and your business, and we will share with you the practical actions that your company should do to remain EU REACH and UK REACH compliant.
To allow as many companies as possible to join our webinar, this will be broadcasted twice during the same day: at 10:00AM and 4:30PM (Finnish time).

Topics to be addressed:

  • Brexit: Today’s situation and what’s next?
  • EU/EEA - Securing your business and REACH compliance after 29 March 2019: Importers/Manufacturers / ORs
  • UK REACH – How to prepare?
  • Conclusions

Jouni Honkavaara, CEO-Partner and Riku Rinta-Jouppi , Head of Global Compliance – Partner
Who should attend?
To maintain the access to EU/EEA - UK manufacturing companies, Downstream Users, Non-EU companies whose subsidiary in the UK is acting as REACH OR.  Companies where the UK is the entry point for importing their chemicals to the European single market.  EU27 companies with supply from the UK.
For the requirements of the UK REACH – all EU 27 companies exporting chemical substances to the UK, UK  manufacturing companies as well as UK importing companies.
 *Please note that this event is not meant for consulting companies or REACH services providers


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