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Home» Circulars» Inputs For Tariff Lines To Be Included In The Further Expansion Of The India Chile Pta

Inputs for Tariff lines to be included in the further expansion of the India-Chile PTA

Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)

Jhansi Castle, 4th Floor, 7 Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001.India.

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Inputs for Tariff lines to be included in the further expansion of the India-Chile PTA




Dear Members,



It is to inform that the 2nd meeting of the Joint Administrative Committee (JAC) established under the India-Chile PTA is scheduled to be held during the month of April, 2019. During the meeting there will be review of the India-Chile Expanded PTA,  which was expanded on 16th May, 2017.  Discussions will also be held on issues relating to Trade in Goods, SPS/TBT, Customs, Rules of Origin etc under the existing PTA and further expansion of the PTA for inclusion of more tariff lines/ increasing MOP.  


The agreement on India-Chile PTA and also the Expanded PTA including its Annexes and Indian & Chilean Schedule indicating tariff concessions are available on the Department of Commerce website at following links:


    1. 1.      i) PTA)




Under the expanded PTA, India has increased tariff concessions to Chile from 178 tariff lines to 1031 tariff lines and Chile's concession to India have increased from 296 tariff lines to 1784 tariff lines at 8-digit HS code 2012.


It is proposed to seek more tariff concessions from Chile under the further expansion of the India-Chile PTA.


Members are requested to provide the specific products with HS Code of their export interest to Chile which they wish to be included in the further expanded list for concessions, indicating the percentage of desired MOP with justification providing the data about India’s Global Exports of such products and total imports of Chile indicating our share as well as name of our competitor Countries indicating the concession being provided by them for their exports to Chile. Similarly, Members are also requested to provide the specific products of their import interest with justification for consideration of tariff concessions to be given by India.


Members are therefore requested to provide inputs as above on the additional tariff lines indicating the % of desired MOP (for export/ import) for consideration during the negotiations for further expansion of the India-Chile PTA.  Members are also requested to provide inputs / suggestions on issues relating to SPS / TBT / Customs / Rules of Origin.


The inputs / suggestions as above may please be sent to us latest by 17/04/2019 on:;


We look forward to your early response.


Thanking You,


Yours faithfully,





















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