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Home» Circulars» Rcep : Exclusion List For Imports From China And Other Countries Rules Of Origin Cth Or 40%25 Rvc Tariff Lines Of Aggressive Interest For Getting Fress Access To The Rcep Countries

RCEP : Exclusion list for Imports from China and other Countries / Rules of Origin (CTH or 40% RVC) / Tariff lines of aggressive interest for getting fress access to the RCEP countries


Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)

Jhansi Castle, 4th Floor, 7, Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001. India

Tel : +91 22 22021288 Website : www.//


EPC/LIC/RCEP                                                                                                 03/08/2018








    • Exclusion List for imports from China and other countries
    • Rules of Origin (CTH or 40% RVC)
    • Tariff lines of aggressive interest for getting free access to the RCEP
    • countries




Dear Members,


This is with reference to the ongoing Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations.



We have now received communication from Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC) wherein it is informed that  DCPC has prepared a list of tariff lines which is needed to be kept in the Exclusion List for imports from China and in the Exclusion List for imports from other countries (copy enclosed).



The comments of DCPC are based on the inputs from the industry associations and discussions with the stakeholders in the meeting held on 18th July 2018.



Now, as per latest communication from DCPC,  it is advised  to further examine the sensitivity of these tariff lines depending upon existing production capacity and proposed future investments and other related data. ln order to allow the domestic industry sufficient time to adjust to become competitive before reducing custom duty to 0%, you may consider various options of reduction of customs duty in a phased manner. The reduction in custom duty may start after some number of years and thereafter may be fully eliminated in next some number of years.



Therefore member-exporters are kindly requested to provide inputs  on following:



Tariff line wise comments with the proposed staging with justification.


Regarding Rules of Origin, industry may give their opinion as to which option out of CTH or Value Addition of 40 %  is beneficial to Indian industry.


Industry  may also indicate the tariff lines on which they want to take aggressive position for getting free access to the RCEP countries


Your timely  replies will be appreciated and be mailed to us by 06/08/2018  on e-mail ids- & .



Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


S.G Bharadi
Executive Director


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