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  8th Biennial International Exhibition
INDIA CHEM 2014 from 9th -11th October
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CPHI Worldwide
The most important objective behind organizing the INDIA CHEM series exhibition is to highlight the investment possibilities in the country’s chemical industry.

  • International participation from China, Japan, Iran, Germany, Turkey, USA are expected.
  • Partner State - Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal & Orissa.
  • Buyers delegation from South America, USA, CIS, West Europe, Middle East and South East Asian Countries and many more to join.
  • Over 20,000 Business visitors from India and abroad expected.
  • Over 300 Indian and International exhibitors expected.
  • Buyer Seller Meet by Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council (CHEMEXCIL).
  • Over 30 top CXO”s from India and abroad will be deliberating at International Conference.
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