Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th Floor, 7 Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001.India.
Tel : +91 22 22021288 / * Fax : +91 22 22026684
email : info@chemexcil.gov.in Web : https://chemexcil.in
Date: 18-02-2021 |
Levy of Fees (Customs Documents) Amendment Regulations, 2021
And Lists of Peruvian importers in various Chemical productsDistributor of Chemical Products in Peru looking for opportunities to source various chemicals from India
And Lists of Peruvian importers in various Chemical products
All Members of the Counci
Dear Members,
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) has issued Notification No. 17/2021-Customs (N.T.) dated 17th February, 2021 regarding Levy of Fees (Customs Documents) Amendment Regulations, 2021.
As per above notification, CBIC has notified Rs. 1000.00 fees for Handling of mismatch between Shipping Bill and GST returns in Customs Automated System.
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Levy of Fees (Customs Documents) Regulations, 1970, namely: -
(1) These regulations may be called theLevy of Fees (Customs Documents) Amendment Regulations, 2021.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
In the said regulations, in regulation 3, in the Table, after serial number (ix) and the entries relating thereto, following serial number and entries shall be inserted, namely: –
Handling of mismatch between Shipping Bill and GST returns in Customs Automated System
Rs. 1000.00.”
Members are requested to take note of this fees and do the needful accordingly. For further details, members may refer the Notification using below link-
Feed-backs, if any may also be sent to the council on Feed-backs on e-mail ids:- deepak.gupta@chemexcil.gov.in, pwdd@chemexcil.gov.in and info@chemexcil.gov.in for records/ examination.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Deepak Gupta
Acting Executive Director