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EPC/LIC/SPS-TBTs 19th April-2021
Non-tariff measures (SPS and TBT) issues being faced by our exporters to be raised in the
forthcoming WTO SPS/TBT committee meetings
Dear Members,
We have received communication from Ms. Tanu Singh, Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade, Department of Commerce informing us about the upcoming WTO TBT/SPS Committee Meetings which are scheduled to be held in June 2021.
We understand that these meetings give an opportunity to member countries to raise their concerns with regard to the non-tariff measures relating to SPS/TBT taken by any other member country.
In this regard, council has also been requested to identify issues that could be raised as Specific Trade Concerns (STCs) during the forthcoming meetings of SPS and TBT Committee.
Members are therefore requested to provide details of such SPS/TBT issues along with possible impact on our exports in the format below:
NTB description
Your valuable inputs be sent to the council by 25th April 2021 on e-mail id’s deepak.gupta@chemexcil.gov.in, pwdd@chemexcil.gov.in & kalpana.acct@chemexcil.gov.in which will enable us submit to DoC for further deliberations.
Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,
Deepak Gupta
Acting Executive Director