
REMINDER - New Format for Export Data Collection - Study on Reimbursement of registration charges under MAI Scheme


Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road,   Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel  :  91-22-22021288, 22021330 Fax : 91-22-22026684.


EPC/NEW FORMAT-MAI SCHEME                                                                                                                                                              2nd MARCH 2023







REMINDER - New Format for Export Data Collection - Study on Reimbursement of registration


charges under MAI Scheme



Dear Sir / Madam,

Greetings from CHEMEXCIL!

As per our records, your company has registered substances under EU REACH and availed the subsidy under the Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme towards reimbursement of 50% registration charges incurred by your firm for product registration under REACH.  

You may be aware that in order to analyze the impact of REACH Regulation on India’s exports to EU and for studying the reimbursement of expenditure incurred by exporters on statutory compliance under MAI scheme, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is seeking export related information from REACH registered companies. 

The Department of Commerce has now shared a new format for collecting the data from member-exporters.

In view of the above, you are requested to fill up and send the attached excel sheet and send us the same on or before 3rd March 2023.

In the attached excel sheet there are two sub-sheets namely Firms Exports to EU and Firms Exports to other countries.

Please note the above data is urgently required by the Dept of Commerce for studying the reimbursement of expenditure incurred by exporters on statutory compliance under MAI scheme and hence it is mandatory for all REACH Registered companies to submit the export data.

For any queries in this regards, please feel free to contact Ms Amrita on +91 7718878110 or Ms Shobitha on +91 9689859774. 
We look forward for your cooperation in this matter.

Thanks and Regards,

S G Bharadi
Executive Director


Encl : Data Format CRT 16th February 2023
Chemical Query Response EURRAC 24th Feb.23