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Home» Circulars» Reminder Request List Of India For Tariff Concessions To Be Sought From Korea Under Ikcepa

Reminder - Request list of India for tariff concessions to be sought from Korea under IKCEPA

Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)

Jhansi Castle, 4th Floor, 7, Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001.

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27th April 2016




Reminder- Request list of India for tariff concessions to be

sought from Korea under IKCEPA


Dear Members,


This is in continuation of our circular dated 18 th April 2016 regarding additional lines at HS 10 digit level on which concession from South Korea needs to be sought during the upcoming review of India-Korea CEPA. 

You are aware that the “2 nd meeting of Joint Committee at Ministerial level” under India-Korea CEPA is scheduled to be held on 17 th and 18 th  June 2016. 


Therefore,   it is proposed to  finalise a  r equest list of India at HS 10 digit level on which concessions be sought from South Korea under IKCEPA .      In this regard, Department of Commerce has provided a list of 270 tariff lines at HS10 digit level in Korea's schedule which is  based on  comments received from various EPCs/Boards/Chambers.

Kindly go through the list and suggest any additional lines at HS 10 digit level on which concession from South Korea needs to be sought during the upcoming review of India-Korea CEPA.   The inputs be mailed at the earliest by 29 th April 2016 on e-mail id’s: and .   


Your timely responses will enable us submit inputs/ comments to   DOC  for further deliberations during the June 2016 meeting.


Thanking You,


Yours faithfully,


Deepak Gupta

Deputy Director



Encl. : List (Indian request list-IK-cepa)

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