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Home» Circulars» Third Round Of Consultations W.r.t. Rules Of Origin Under Rcep Regarding

Third round of consultations W.R.T. Rules of Origin under RCEP - regarding
Extention of date till 30/9/2015 for filing application for grant of Status Certificate
Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)

EPC/LIC/RCEP                                                                         2nd July,  2015




Third round of Consultations W.R.T. Rules of Origin under

RCEP- regarding


Dear Sir/ Madam,


This is in continuation of our  earlier circulars seeking inputs on RoO/ PSR’s  regarding “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).   

The Council has received communication from Department of Commerce (DOC) dated  1st July 2015,  that  the third round of consultations  with the Trade & Industry for negotiating Rules of Orign (RoO) under RCEP shall be held   on  17th July 2015 under the chairmanship of  Shri Dammu Ravi- Joint Secretary  at 11.00 AM at Udyog Bhawan New Delhi.   


We would like to update you that  TEM3subsequent to the two earlier rounds of consultations held by DOC with trade/ industry in January and April, 2015, detailed HS code-wise PSRs for Chapters 1-97 have already been tabled by India for further negotiations in RCEP.   TEM4  

Further, the sixth round of negotiations on RoO was held in June, 2015 in Kyoto, Japan.  As decided during this round, detailed discussions would be held in the upcoming rounds on :

  1. How to calculate the Regional Value Content (RVC)- use of build-up or build down formula, and
  2. Evidence of origin (use of self-certification and/ or third party certification of the Certificate of Origin).

For this purpose, DOC  proposes to hold a third round of consultation with the  trade/ industry.   In this context, kindly find enclosed a brief paper on valuations methods —that provides details about the 2 types of formulae used for valuation i.e. the build-up formula and the build-down formula is enclosed.


Member-exporters  are requested to give their inputs/comments as to which formula should be preferred for India during the RCEP negotiations, along with detailed reasons for the same.       The inputs/ comment  be sent to us  latest by 10th July 2015 on  our e-mail ids- and  so that the same could be deliberated during the meeting on 17th July 2015.


Thanking You,


Yours faithfully,




Background paper on Build – up and Build down formulae to calculate Regional Value Content (RVC) in context of RCEP negotiations


  • RCEP is a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement being negotiated between the 10 ASEAN Member States (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) and ASEAN’s 6 FTA partner countries (Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea and New Zealand). 



  • Sub working Group on Rules of origin (SWGROO) is negotiating ROO for the RCEP. So far it has held its 6th meeting, last one was held in Kyoto, Japan in June 2015.


  • Apart from various other issues such as Full cumulation , individual PSRs for each HS line at 6 digit HS classification and Self-Certification etc. SW Group is also negotiating ROO/OCO text



  • One of the issues under discussions in ROO/OCP text is adoption of Build –up or Build- down formulae to calculate Regional value Content (RVC).


  • Under RCEP negotiations, till now, RVC being discussed is 40% i.e. in order to attain status of originating material, a non-originating material must achieve a minimum of 40% value addition/RVC in a particular participating country



  • The Value addition/RVC can be calculated in any of the two ways
  • Build–down/ In- direct method

FOB value -- Value of Non-Originating material

RVC = FOB value-Value of Non-Originating material

__________________________________________ X 100>40

FOB value

Here RVC= Regional value content
FOB= Free on Board value



Build down/ Direct formula

Domestic material cost+ labour cost + Overhead cost +Profit +Other cost
…………………………………………………………………………….X 100 ≥40
FOB value



Domestic Material Cost is the value of originating materials, parts or produce that are acquired or self- produced by the producer in the production of the good

Labour Cost includes wages, remuneration and other employee benefits;


Overhead Cost is the total overhead expense;


Other Costs are the costs incurred in placing the good in the ship or other means of transport for export including, but not limited to, domestic transport costs, storage and ware housing, port handling, brokerage fees and service charges;



In our previous FTA, we had used both these formulae. In case of India- ASEAN and India-Japan, both Build-up and Build down formulae are included in ROO text and an exporter have an option to choose any one of the formula out of the two to calculate the value addition/RVC. In case of India-Korea, only Build-down formula has been prescribed to calculated VA/RVC


What is expected of stakeholders?


Stakeholders are requested to give their inputs/comments as to which formula should be preferred for India during the RCEP negotiations, along with detailed reasons for the same. 
It needs to be borne in mind that final agreement on the formulae would be a result of the negotiations only.










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