
To seek inputs for Review of the India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA)


Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road,   Mumbai - 400 001.

Tel  :+91-22-69821200 to 206
Twitter : @chemexcil

EPC:PW:LIC:FTA:IND-MALA:2024+25:MISC.                          5th September 2024




To seek inputs for Review of the India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic

Cooperation Agreement (CECA)


Dear Sir/Members, 

CHEMEXCIL is in receipt of communication from the Department informing on the review process of India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA). 

It has decided to conduct extensive consultations with the trade and industry sectors. 

As part of this initiative, the ROO Desk of the TNB Division is seeking Industries inputs and proposals related to the Rules of Origin (including the Product Specific Rules) in this FTA. Enclosed herewith is the detailed document for your kind perusal.

Please note that there is a general PSR under this agreement, which is "CTSH + 35% Value Addition" (CTSH: Change in Tariff Sub-Heading). Additionally, there are specific rules for particular chapters, which are outlined in the attached sheet.

Some examples of PSRs under Rules of Origin are WO: Wholly Obtained; CC: A change from any other chapter; CTH: A change from any other heading; CTSH: A change from any other subheading. Malaysia's preference has been to have "co equal rule", i.e Tariff shift Or Value Addition. While India has been traditionally working on twin criteria i.e. tariff shift+Value Addition. In view of the thrust on Global Value Chain, and for the sake of facilitating simpler certification and verification for our exporters, it is recommended that you consider a co-equal rule unless there is serious apprehension of injury to our interest is involved. 

In view of the above members are requested to provide the information with respect to the following pointers 

  • Suggested changes, if any, in the PSR position for the relevant lines for the review of the India-Malaysia CECA.

  • Views/comments/suggestions on the requirement of any addition /modification/update/deletion in the text.

Please provide your comments/inputs by 11.09.2024 on with copy to for onward communication and department can finalize our positions at the earliest.


Thanks and regards 

Raghuveer Kini

Director General 


Encl : 1. IM CECA RoO PSRs
2. IM CECA RoO Text