Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel: +91-22- 69821200-6 Mobile No. : 91-7738933059
Email : Web :
EPC:LIC:CUST:CONSUL:MEET:ISSU:2024-25:1979 21st March 2025
All Members of Chemexcil
To seek an inputs on Custom Process for discussion in Upcoming
CBIC Custom Consultative Group Meeting: Regarding
Dear Members,
CHEMEXCIL is a member of the Custom Consultative Group (CCG) under the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
The aim of this group is to address import export related issues and matter of concerns of trade and industry with a view to promote ease of doing business. Being a national platform CCG group does not look in to individual grievances.
The Consultative Group is scheduled to convene its next meeting soon, and it has been suggested to gather and submit the common important issues, concerns, and suggestions of our members on custom processes for the discussion.
In view of the above, we request all members to share any common relevant issues or concerns that they would like to be brought to the attention of the CBIC Consultative Group for deliberation.
Members can send their issues w. r. t. following pointers
1. Faceless Assessment of customs:
3. Drawback
4. MOOWR Scheme
5. Courier Export services
6. Issues related to GST act and rules
7. Custom/ICD/Port
9. Custom Broker
11. Preferential Certificate of Origin
12. Classification of Products by Customs
13. Any notification of customs
14. Logistics and clearance
15. Any other relevant point
Kindly submit your inputs as per below format on with copy on or before 30th April 2025.
Sr. No.
Issue in Brief
Date of occurrence
Name and address of Department
Effect of issue on product
Probable solution
Remark if any
We encourage members to actively share the relevant common issues that could help to improve the customs process for the benefit of the industry.
Thanks and Regards
Raghuveer Kini
Director General