
World Blood Donar Day on 14th June, 2024


Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road,   Mumbai - 400 001.

Tel  :+91-22-69821200 to 206
Twitter : @chemexcil

EPC/Admn/ WBDDay/24-25/1/2                                                        13th June2024



World Blood Donar Day on 14th June, 2024


Dear Sir/Madam,

World Blood Donar Day is a global celebration held annually on June 14, 2024 to express gratitude to blood donors for their selfless act of saving lives through voluntary blood donation. This day serves as a  reminder of the  critical  need  for  regular  non-remunerated voluntary blood donations and aims to raise awareness about the life-saving impact of these donations.

World Blood Donor Day is  going  to be observed this year  in  the county  on 14th June, 2024. The campaign slogan for this year will be "20 years of celebrating giving:  Thank you,  blood  donors  !".

1.  To thank and   recognize the   millions of  voluntary   blood   donors  who   have contributed to the health  and  well-being  of millions of people around the world.

2.  To showcase the achievements and challenges of the national blood programs and to share best practices and lessons learned.

3.  To highlight the continuous need for  regular,  unpaid  blood donation  to achieve universal  access to safe  blood transfusion.

4.  To promote a culture of regular blood donation among the youth and the general public and to increase the diversity and sustainability of the blood donor pool.

5.  To spread awareness among rural masses, activities for felicitation of blood donors and pledge-taking ceremonies may be organized. The copy of the pledge is enclosed.

Accordingly, the members of Chemexcil are requested to donate blood at the nearest District Hospitals and organize activities to celebrate the event and disseminate the information.  Further, it is requested to share the photographs of the celebration of the event on the email: .


Thanks &  regards,

(Raghuveer Kini)

Director General