Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel :+91-22-69821200 to 206 Fax No : 22-69821226 / 37
Twitter : @chemexcil
EPC:LIC-REG:AS:2024-25:1295:KR:1297 3rd January 2025
Inputs on EU regulations on shipment of waste & National Hazardous and
Noxious Substances(HNS) incidents at sea preparedness and response plan
Dear Members,
CHEMEXCIL is in receipt of communication from Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India seeking comments on the new European Union (EU) regulation 2024/1157 of the EU parliament and the Council on Shipment of Waste amending regulations (EU) 1257/2013 and EU 2020/1056 and repealing regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 notified on 11.04.2024.
The regulation (article 41, 42 & 43) states that the non OECD countries (such as India) which intend to import green listed waste or certain wastes or mixtures of waste shall submit a request to the European Commission by 21st Feb 2025 indicating their willingness to receive those specific wastes or mixtures of waste and demonstrate their ability to treat the imported waste in environmentally sound manner.
The categories of waste that can be imported from the EU have been provided below;
1. Non-hazardous wastes listed in Annex III (refer page 93/145 of the regulation), or Annex IIIB and mixtures of non- hazardous wastes listed in Annex IIIA under REGULATION (EU) 2024/1157 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 April 2024
2. Non-hazardous wastes and mixtures of non-hazardous wastes included in the list of waste referred to in Article 7 of Directive 2008/98/EC, when not already listed in Annex III, Annex IIIA or Annex IIIB
3. Non-hazardous wastes and mixtures of non-hazardous wastes not classified under one single entry in Annex III, Annex III A or Annex III B or in the list of waste referred to in Article 7 of Directive 2008/98/EC
4. non-hazardous wastes classified under the entry AB130, AC250, AC260 or AC270
a. AB130 Used blasting grit
b. AC250 Surface active agents (Surfactants)
c. AC260 Liquid pig manure; faeces
d. AC270 Sewage sludge
The copy of the regulation is attached for your ready reference.
In view of above relevant exporters are requested to share their inputs and the list of wastes or mixtures of waste from the Annexure to be imported from European Union so that the onward process of listing of wastes for import can be taken up with EU.
Members are also requested to go through the attached document on National Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) incidents at sea preparedness and response plan and submit their comments / inputs if any to the Council on with copy to on or before 6th January 2025.
Thanks and Regards,
Raghuveer Kini
Director General
Encl : 1. EU waste shipment regulation – 11.4.2024
2.National HNS incident at sea preparedness response plan – Part I
3. Response Guide to spill of HNS at sea-Part II