Basic Chemicals, Cosmetics & Dyes Export Promotion Council
(Set-up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India)
Jhansi Castle, 4th floor, 7-Cooperage Road, Mumbai – 400 001.
Tel : 91-22-22021288, 22021330 Fax : 91-22-22026684.
E-mail : info@chemexcil.gov.in
Website : http://www.chemexcil.gov.in
EPC: REG: MAI: 2020-2021 26th July 2021
All Members of the Council
Revision in Market Access Initiative Scheme on Submission of claims related to
expenditure incurred on statutory compliances abroad –Regarding
Dear Sir / Madam,
We wish to bring to your kind notice that the Competent Authority - Department of Commerce (DoC), Government of India has approved continuation of the Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme in a revised form, for a period of five years i.e 1st April 2021- 31st March 2026.
Members are aware that, the Council recommends claims applications received from the Member-exporters towards reimbursement of 50% of the overseas product (chemicals / agrochemicals / cosmetics) registration charges under the various statutory compliance regulations in buyer’s countries.
Enclosed herewith is the revised MAI guidelines dated 19th July 2021 issued by Department of Commerce and Industry, Government of India for your kind perusal.
As regards subject cited heading (Statutory compliance in Buyers country)
The Highlight of Guideline is as under
As per Sl.No.8 of Table under Para 7.3 of the Operational Guidelines for the Market Access Initiative Scheme 2021, Reimbursement of expenditure incurred by exporters on statutory compliances,
Registration charges paid in case of chemicals/ agrochemicals/Cosmetics the ceiling of Rs. Rs.2 crores per annum per exporter on Sharing Pattern: 50%: 50%. It means that 50% of Product registration charges maximum upto 2 Crores may be reimbursed by DOC.
This reimbursement will be considered for following components of Chemicals, Agrochemicals and Cosmetics registrations.
· Data generation Cost
· Letter of access cost,
· Data Study/Purchase Cost
· Research on existing data for registration purpose.
· Evaluation cost,
· Consultancy cost (Only representative, authorized person appointment fees while registering the product),
· Study monitoring
IMPORTANT: - The discrepancy free claims from member exporters must be submitted to CHEMEXCIL (EPC) within 90 days from the date of registration (date mentioned on Product registration Certificate).
Any claim or supporting documents of claim received after 90-days period will not be accepted now onwards.
List of various forms / list of documents for claiming the Product registration charges can be viewed on below link
https://chemexcil.in/content/mai-claim-forms/551/4e7d6950a27894d31a683919d635cb61.html .
Members are advised to take note of this important revision and send their claims with complete information/documents within 90 days from the date of Registration for all upcoming financial years from 2021-22 onwards.
For more details you can contact
· Ms. Amrita Sharma on amrita@chemexcil.in; (M): +91 7718878110
· Ms. Shobhita Salian on shobitha@chemexcil.in (M) +91 96898 59774
Thanks and Regards,
Deepak Gupta
Acting Executive Director
Encl : https://bit.ly/2V9uMwD